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Marble Reliquary


Reliquary (covered box), Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, After Treatment

This Byzantine light grey marble reliquary, from the late 6th to 7th century AD, is made in two parts (lid and body). The exterior surfaces of the lid of the reliquary are decorated with crosses and vegetation carved in low relief.  This type of reliquary casket was made to imitate late antique Greek-style sarcophagi and would have held objects associated with saints.

The reliquary is structurally stable and intact except for the loss of one of the corner ornaments on the lid.  Other small surface losses and abrasions are scattered overall.  Treatment of the reliquary began by removing a heavy accumulation of dust and dirt in the interior of the body with brushes and a vacuum. 

A grey-brown colored layer of grime and dirt covered the exterior surfaces of the marble reliquary.   Evidence of the brighter appearance of the marble could be seen in several small sections on the lid and body. These areas were likely the result of previous cleaning tests.  Cleaning tests carried out for the current treatment revealed that aqueous methods were able to reduce the grime and dirt.  While deionized water was partially successful, tests of deionized water with the addition of 0.5% triammonium citrate adjusted to a pH of 9.5 with trimethylamine achieved a satisfactory level of clean while limiting the amount of time spent on the surface.  

After cleaning the surfaces with cotton swabs dampened with the citrate solution, a clearing solution of deionized water enriched with calcium carbonate adjusted to a pH of 10 with ammonium hydroxide was swabbed over the surface.  Although the reduction of the grime and dirt revealed an overall brighter and whiter marble surface, areas of thick to thin, grey-brown burial accretions were also revealed.  Where possible, these accretions were reduced with a sharp scalpel after becoming softened by the citrate solution.


Reliquary (covered box), Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, During Treatment with previous cleaning tests


Reliquary (covered box), Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, Before Treatment with previous cleaning tests

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Reliquary (covered box), Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, Surface cleaning


Reliquary (covered box), Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, During Treatment


Reliquary (covered box), Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, During Treatment showing burial accretions


Reliquary (covered box), Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, Before Treatment


Reliquary (covered box), Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, After Treatment

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