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The Water Bearer


Photo credit: Matt Hamilton

The Water Bearer, Private Collection, After Treatment

This three-dimensional ceramic 'envelope' is one of a pair of objects from a private collection that came to WAAC broken into numerous pieces.  The front of the object is decorated with a combination of paint and charcoal.

After testing to determine an appropriate order in which to assemble the pieces, the object was carefully reassembled with approximately 40% Paraloid B-72 in acetone.  Care was taken to avoid allowing the B-72 to make contact with the decorated front surface.

There were no major losses to the object after reassembly, however small losses and gaps associated with the joins were filled with Flugger acrylic putty.  The losses were toned with a combination of acrylic paints and watercolors in order to match the varied appearance of the paint and charcoal.


Photo credit: Matt Hamilton

The Water Bearer, Private Collection, Before Treatment


The Water Bearer, Private Collection, Before Filling


The Water Bearer, Private Collection, Before Inpainting

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